About Keepful

keepful® Makes You The CREDIBLE, Go-To Professional Bookkeeper

Ben Robinson - keepful's founder

Our Story

Once upon a time, Ben Robinson owned a CPA firm. The #1 need he noticed in the industry was good bookkeeping.

In order to fulfill that need in his firm, he created and trained a division of bookkeepers.

Through the process of owning his firm and training his staff, he realized his favorite part of the business and his true passion were marketing and teaching.

So when he was ready to sell his firm, he decided to create his dream life, follow his passion, and help others do the same.

He built what is now Bookkeepers.com where he has trained thousands of women and men to successfully start and grow their own bookkeeping businesses.

the keepful team

The Team

The keepful® team shares Ben's love of teaching, marketing, and helping others. Each member of the team also manages their own successful bookkeeping business. We understand the industry from the inside out.

the keepful purpose

The Purpose

The unique abilities that make you a great bookkeeper mean you probably don't enjoy (or maybe even abhor) the marketing & tech aspects of your business. But that's what we love the most...marketing and automation!

the future of keepful

The Future

While AI and technology improvements won't fully replace humans, bookkeepers that embrace tech advances will replace businesses that do not leverage automation. keepful® is the all-in-one solution to your tech headaches.

See keepful® In Action

Watch this video to see what all we've built for you in keepful®. And that's just the beginning! If you have questions about how keepful® can automate the processes in your business, schedule a time to chat with us!


You've got questions? We've got answers...

Can keepful® collect e-signatures?

Yes! We recently released the e-signature feature included in your keepful® account. Customize your branded documents and all you have to do is send them off for an electronic signature!

Can I process payments through keepful®?

Yes! keepful® has a native integration with Stripe, NMi, Authorize.net, and PayPal. No more connecting things together haphazardly with zaps.

What if my processes are a little different?

Your keepful® account comes with done-for-you customizations. If your processes vary from what is already customized, we can tweak the automations, pipelines, etc. to fit your specific client journey.

Does keepful® bring leads to me?

Not exactly. keepful® provides you lots of different ways to raise brand awareness and wow your prospects from the first impression. However, keepful® is not a lead generation service.

What other apps do I need with keepful®?

Wait, other apps exist?! All jokes aside. The only apps you'll need are ones for your client deliverables, i.e. Keeper, a project manager app, or something similar. Speaking of Keeper, we have an integration that can trigger when a client signs and pays.

What if I already have a website?

That's great! The landing page that comes with keepful® is an additional tool that works in conjunction with your website. The purpose of your website is to raise brand awareness. The purpose of the landing page is to have one call to action - scheduling a consult with you.

Do I need a scheduler, like Calendly?

Nope! Anything that Calendly can do, keepful® can with more customizable follow-up automations.

Still have questions?

Send an email to help@keepful.com. You can also schedule a time to chat so we can answer your questions live!

keepful marketing automation

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